Pintle Adaptor Suit Ringfeder Ring Coupling
Pintle Towbar Ringfeeder Adaptor or Orlandi Ring Coupling The pintle towbar Ringfeeder adaptor bracket is 50mm square and has 16mm pin holes...
Truck and trailer parts are generally over 3.5t. The Department of Transport in Canberra regulates these parts and controls the following Vehicle Design Rules.
Couplemate Trailer Parts designs, tests and manufacturers parts under the above rules.
In some instances, there are no Australian Standards for testing. Therefore, we test to the item’s break load capacity and apply a rating for road use.
For example, there is no standard for U-bolts. We tested U-bolts until they broke, and a rating was applied using recognised standards for working load capacity.
Items sold and/or manufactured by Couplemate include
Couplemate™ Core Range