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Home » Technical Hub » Hardware: Fastener & Fitting Guide » How to Reduce Dangerous Caravan Vibration Fatigue

How to Reduce Dangerous Caravan Vibration Fatigue

by | Aug 27, 2017 | Hardware: Fastener & Fitting Guide | 0 comments

Fixing Dangerous Caravan Vibration FatiguFix Dangerous Caravan Vibration Fatiguee

If vibration fatigue can bring down a Boeing 747, you can be sure it can bring down your caravan, too.

Boeing has taken precautions against vibration fatigue, and you should, too. Consider the following article; there may be a few precautions you can take or at least check. There is no substitute for peace of mind.

You will not be surprised to hear that vibration fatigue is not restricted to caravans. Light and heavy trailers, earthmovers, diggers, trenchers, and, in fact, every piece of equipment ever invented cannot withstand vibration fatigue unless precautions are taken. Vibration fatigue in caravans and boat trailers is one of the leading causes of bearing failure, spring failure, and failures associated with your running gear.

One of the most common calls at Couplemate is, “My caravan is swaying at 100 km. I have a heavy ball weight of 10%. Should I get sway control?”

The first solution to reducing vibration throughout your caravan is to ensure your U-bolts are tightened. Caravan and trailer U-bolts are made from mild steel and require tightening after the first 300km and every service thereafter. You may get as much as a quarter of a turn, maybe more, and ensuring they are tight is critical to minimising caravan sway.

Caravan Vibration Fatigue

Caravan vibration fatigue will cause your electric magnets to fail on corrugated roads in just a few weeks.

caravan vibration fatigueHave you ever heard rattles coming from your caravan? Are you finding cutlery in the drawers moving, or are your pots and pans becoming damaged? The simple answer is that all your equipment absorbs energy from the road into your caravan and car.

The next solution to reduce vibration is to install shock absorbers on all wheels. You can purchase shock absorbers directly from us by clicking the image to the right.

If you already have shock absorbers installed, removing them and checking them to ensure they are still functioning correctly is important.

Gas Lines

Gas lines within a caravan trailer have nuts, and any nut will loosen due to vibration fatigue, particularly in outback conditions.

Loose nuts allow gas to escape, which can prove disastrous in confined areas. It has the potential to destroy your investment or, worse, cause harm to nearby persons.

A further suggestion is to tighten all nuts on your caravan, including gas connections.

Loose connections cause caravan gas fires from NSW Fire.

caravan vibration fatigue shackle plateShackle Bolts and Bushings

Some of our greatest-selling products are shackle bolts, bushings and shackle plates. If these parts are not checked before every trip, they can lead to spring breakages.

Under normal highway conditions, you can expect suitable, even wear for several years. However, caravan vibration fatigue conditions will multiply wear by 10 times.

Therefore, checking all shackle bolts, nuts, and bushings is critical.

If you have checked all of the above and your rig is still not towing straight and true, we recommend you take it to your local caravan centre, which should be able to provide an intensive inspection.

For an extreme solution to beat vibration fatigue, you could install independent suspension.

This article aims to provide examples of some things that can be out of the ordinary caused by caravan vibration fatigue; however, it is not comprehensive. If you are finding ongoing issues, the best solution would be to take detailed notes of your trailer’s symptoms and see a qualified caravan mechanic to improve your towing experience.

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